Our catering provision is from Lexington Independents, a boutique, high-end, award-winning specialist catering company, dedicated to providing delicious, healthy and exciting food for independent schools. They provide a modern and engaging catering offer across the entire school-age spectrum, from Nursery through to our young adults in Sixth Form, and for our day and boarding students.
Menus are carefully designed to meet the needs and expectations, both nutritional and social, of all at Kent College, and a focus on food sustainability ensures seasonal, simple, delicious and natural food from local and national suppliers are used..
A Student Voice Food Committee meets regularly to share their opinions on the catering services and make suggestions for change.
The Grove Café

The Grove Café
The Grove Café, located in the Senior School library, offers variety of hot and cold drinks including coffees (decaffeinated only up to Year 9), smoothies and frappes as well as healthy and nutritious snacks to provide a much-needed energy boost to set the students up for the day.
It is open from 7.50am-8.20am and from 9.30am-11.00am for students to purchase items before school and at break time, and for the Sixth Form to use if they have free lessons.
The Grove Café has been planned with our Methodist ethos of ‘doing all the good you can’ in mind, with all containers and cups 100% recyclable and compostable. The coffee served is from Pact Coffee, an ethics-first company, who support women farmers in Brazil, and have a carbon neutral roastery and recyclable packaging. The tea sourced is from Nemi, a Fairtrade organisation who offer employment for refugees.
Meal Options
Meal Options
Breakfast - students arriving at school can have breakfast from 7.30am to 8.30am in the Dining Hall. There is a charge for this which is added to the end of term bill. Alternatively, Senior School students can purchase fresh, healthy snacks and breakfast options from The Grove Café from 7.50am-8.20am.
Lunch - is from 12.00pm to 1.50pm in the Dining Hall. Prep School have lunch from 12.00pm, Senior School 12.50pm-1.50pm.
Supper - for Senior School students needing to stay late after school they can join Prep B (5.30-6.30pm) with supper served at 6.00pm. For Prep School pupils it is part of after school care from 5.30pm to either 6.30pm or 7.30pm. There is a charge for this which is added to the end of term bill.