
We are an inclusive, gently selective school with a broad ability range. We take pride in knowing each and every student, and believe that no matter the academic starting point, the resilience we build, care we give and the appetite our students have to rise to challenges leads them to succeeding in ways they could never have imagined.

Our high-flying students are stretched and provided with opportunities to excel in a safe and supported environment. The most academically able will be stretched and challenged through our AIMS programme. Students with SEND will be supported in the classroom and our Supported Learning programme will equip them with the skills to access the curriculum, gain confidence and succeed at the highest level.

We provide a single-sex environment for girls in the Senior School so they have a safe space to discover who they are and build their confidence without the added pressure of a mixed environment.

Pupils achieve high levels of knowledge, skills and understanding across all areas of the curriculum. This is as a result of the high expectation, strong subject knowledge and expertise that characterise the teaching.

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Our Approach

Hear more about our broad and enriching curriculum from Mr James Mossman, Deputy Head (Academic), all centred around an individual and personalised approach to teaching, which is at the heart of everything we do.

Broad Curriculum

In Years 7 and 8, Kent College students absorb a broad and balanced curriculum designed to encourage intellectual curiosity and a love of learning.

English, Mathematics and Science are core subjects with students studying two modern foreign languages, French and Spanish. In addition to the core lessons are subjects including Art, Computer Science, Dance, Drama, Food Technology, Geography, History, Latin, Music and PE. Sport and Wellbeing is timetabled to enable students to have a break from the academic pressures and everyday demands they are faced with.

Students in Years 7 to 9 study Global Citizenship which will develop key skills including problem solving, communication, collaboration and empathy whilst enabling them to see links between subjects. Global Citizenship also encourages students to consider the impact they can make on the world beyond school and home.

Year 7 Curriculum Overview

Introduction to Year 9

In Year 9, students continue to study the core subjects, and are able to select option subjects they are most likely to continue to GCSE. This options process ensure that students develop knowledge and skills that are specific to GCSE.

Students choose two subjects each from a range of curriculum areas.

  1. Languages and Classics - Classical Civilisation, French, Latin, Spanish. Supported Learning and/or EAL if required.
  2. Practical Arts 1 - Art, Food Technology, Textiles , Music.
  3. Practical Arts 2 - Drama and Dance or Computer Science.

Throughout Year 9, students work towards attaining their Global Citizenship Diploma, awarded based on a range of tasks and projects from both Global Citizenship lessons as well as through cross-curricular tasks from English, Maths, Science, History and Geography, and community and leadership activities.

Year 9 - A New Perspective

Flexible and Bespoke

Alongside a traditional core of academic subjects, students at Kent College have access to a wide range of GCSE and IGCSE options to meet every interest, and students are able to choose from a broad combination of subjects.

Students choose a balanced range of subjects and we recommend at least one language, one humanity and one technology-based or creative arts subject. Students generally select four option subjects bringing their chosen GCSE subjects to ten. There are currently 18 option subjects to choose from with Classical Greek and Further Maths taught off timetable.

Small class sizes, a personalised offer and additional study options ensure that all students have the opportunity to achieve the very best grades.

Watch our GCSE Subject Videos

GCSE Results 2024

In 2024, 1 in 10 students achieved straight 8’s and 9’s, and a third of all grades were at the very top levels 9-7.

Students also achieved the top level 9-7 grades across a range of GCSE subjects including History (72%), Music (71%), Drama (68%) and Food Technology (93%).

Level 9-8 20%
Level 9-7 33%
Level 9-6 54%

Value Added

Our GCSE results are excellent, but grades only tell so much. Behind each personal achievement is a story of challenge, belief, effort and growth.

Most significant is the progress that students make at Kent College, where results surpass nationally standardised predictions.

Many students achieve at least one grade higher than predicted in each of their subjects, which places us as one of the leading schools for Valued Added at GCSE.

In many subjects, including Maths, Geography, History, PE and Food Technology, we are one of the very top schools in the UK.


Academic scholarships are awarded in Years 7, 9 and Sixth Form to candidates who excel in the entrance test and scholar interview. Our academic scholars will demonstrate a passion for learning, an ability to think creatively and a curiosity to find out more. They will have a willingness to persevere, the rigour to achieve excellence and the desire to embrace new opportunities.

All scholars are part of our Able Interested and Motivated Students (AIMS) programme designed to inspire students, nurture talent, and grow and challenge students in and outside the classroom. Further information can be found in the AIMS brochure.

AIMS Programme

SEN Support

Supported Learning is a programme of study to ensure all students with learning difficulties are able to access the Kent College curriculum. Alongside practical assistance, this programme uniquely encourages self-belief and independence. We believe no student at Kent College should see learning challenges as fixed or insurmountable.

A package of highly focused skill development is delivered in a structured programme within the timetable. Students work closely with a set of key staff including specialist SEND teachers and subject teachers to refine their skills, learn new strategies and embed their learning ‘toolkit’.

Across all year groups we offer essential study skills, including exam techniques, learning to touch type, and familiarisation with additional learning support software. Students are taught in small groups in timetabled Supported Learning lessons at no extra charge.

The range of skills progresses through the year groups and these lessons enable our students to access the curriculum across all subjects with the confidence and knowledge they will excel in their chosen field.

Supported Learning