This is Sixth
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The all-girls Sixth Form at Kent College offers much more than simply an academic education. Our students are confident and compassionate young people who are set apart through their drive and ambition. They understand the importance of community and their part in it, and will be future leaders and contributors to society. They leave Kent College ready and prepared for their life ahead.

Moving into the Sixth Form is the most exciting part of a student's time at school. It is the opportunity to discover what subjects fascinate, and the best ways of studying them. It is in the Sixth Form that students will develop a genuine sense of what they want to achieve and the kind of person they want to become. At Kent College, we aim to give our Sixth Form students every advantage in their time with us; academic success, self belief and an understanding of what they want to do with their life. We know they have very bright futures ahead.

Sally Gillings
Head of Sixth Form

This is us

  • Interview with Katie
  • Interview with Loreto
  • Interview with Head Girl Rosie